Condensate Management Systems
1. Thermax Automatic Condensate Transfer Pump
TACTS – Thermax Automatic Condensate Transfer Pump is a steam operated positive displacement pump that returns condensate to boiler feed water tank.
2. Thermax Atmospheric flash vessel
TAFS- Thermax Atmospheric Flash System comprises of a flash vessel designed to ensure maximum dryness in flash steam and suitably sized for various load conditions.
3. Thermax Atomospheric De-aerator with Immersion Tube
TADIT – Thermax Atomospheric De-aerator with Immersion Tube is designed to remove dissolved gases and oxygen from feedwater by proper mixing of condensate, flash steam and cold makeup.
4. Thermax Pump Trap
Thermax Pump Trap is a condensate removing Pump. It removes condensate instantly in stall condition improving process effectiveness with the help of operating pressure of process. Stall condition is defined as condition wherein, heat transfer equipment is unable to drain condensate and becomes flooded due to insufficient system pressure.
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